Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Geeky Girl Moment - The Overworld Chronicles

Ok, so I admit I am a true nerd at heart. I love reading, anything and everything, and have recently discovered The Overworld Chronicles series. It's an easy read with captivating characters and enough teen angsty goodness to keep me coming back for more. If you're looking for a new book series with a supernatural flare and adventure around every corner; then, you should totally pick these up.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Caramel Banana Cake

I found this recipe on Pinterest, but unfortunately the original source is in Croatian. Thank God for Google translate! The recipe looked far too yummy to let a little language barrier keep me from making it. Here is the translated version.

Carmel glaze -
3/4 c brown sugar
1/3 c butter
Cake -
2 1/4 c flour
2 tsp baking powder
2 c powdered sugar
1/2 c (1 stick) butter
2 eggs
1/3 c milk
2 - 3 bananas
1/3 tsp cinnamon
Dash of salt

Preheat oven to 350

To make caramel glaze, melt butter and brown sugar in medium sauce pan over low heat until the mixture is smooth. Pour into the bottom of a 10 in round baking dish. Cut the bananas into round slices and place into glaze in a circular pattern covering the bottom of the pan.

For the cake, first melt butter and allow to cool. Mix the flour, powdered sugar, baking powder, salt, and cinnamon. Beat the eggs and milk in separate bowl, pour into the dry ingredients and add the cooled butter. Mix until well combined and pour into baking dish over the bananas. Spread evenly and bake for 30 - 40 minutes or until toothpick inserted into center comes out clean.

Remove cake from oven and allow to cool 10 minutes. Cover the baking dish with a plate and carefully flip. Allow to cool fully and serve.

Original recipe credit: http://prstohvatsoli.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/banana-upsidedown-cake.jpg

Saturday, January 26, 2013


So last Sunday morning I was wrestling with my golden retriever having a grand ol' time. Then, I went to stand up straight and heard a pop while white heat surged across my back from hip to hip. I spent all day Sunday and Monday (which luckily enough was a holiday) in bed. I made it through the work week and was mostly fine; until last night that is. By the time I got home I was walking like an eighty-year-old. I feel like my muscles are cramping in such a way that my spine is sitting in more of a question mark rather than straight left to right. I was in tears last night.

This isn't the first time I've thrown my back out, and all the other times the doctor has given me a shot of a muscle relaxer and sent me home with a pain medicine Rx. I really don't feel like paying for a visit and scans just to be told the same thing. It has been a full 7 days now... I told the hubby that I'd go to the doctor on Wednesday if I didn't feel any better (I only work a half day this Wednesday).

I've been worthless this week. I've done absolutely no housework or cooking. I've barely managed to fit in school work after my work day. I still have a lot to complete. Plus, my parents are coming over tomorrow and my house is disastrous! My mom is coming to cook me a special birthday dinner... I turn 29 this week. Yikes! That's way too close to 30 for me! Busy, busy!

Monday, January 21, 2013

TTC Update

So along with the new year came my annual physical. My doctor was actually very open and engaging (which was a pleasant change). The appointment started on a positive note since I was down 20 pounds since my last exam! She congratulated me and her demeanor immediately switched to the new and improved version of my GP. Anyway - she decided to run some follow up blood work. The test results came back showing increased insulin levels and the decision was made to start metformin to combat those PCOS symptoms. I was slightly stressed about this initially, but after doing some of my own research have found that many women have great success using this treatment in their fertility journey. My previous physicians have had me on clomid and other hormone therapies. I'm anxious to see how this goes. I haven't had any horrible side effects. I guess we will wait and see.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Things that make me happy... January edition

We got 10 inches of snow! (Photo credit to my super talented father-in-law Steve Somermeyer)

How did I not know about this show until Netflix suggested it?

Russian (fruit) Tea - this is the perfect warm winter drink

The iHeartRadio app has gotten me through many miles/hours on the treadmill, especially the Evolution dance station.

Special K pastry crisps are amazing! Only 100 calories and oh so yummy!

Friday, January 4, 2013

New Year, New Me

I know... Totally cliche right? But I want so badly for this to be true.

So what's new for me in 2013?
I'm going back to school - finally finishing my degree.
Really getting healthy - no fad diets here. We're talking lifestyle changes.
Removing negative influences - saying goodbye to people and things that bring me down.
Focusing on family - not only me and the hubby and our desire to have kids, but also our loved ones that get unknowingly neglected at times.

2012 was not the best year for me and my family. I'm glad to be able to start fresh in 2013... Plus 13 is my favorite number!

Sunday, September 30, 2012

About time for VACATION!

You have no idea how excited my husband and I are about finally having vacation time together! My hubby switched jobs this past year and wasn't able to take any time off until now. Coming from a job where he had a month of paid time off each year to this new arrangement has definitely been challenging. I still had 4 weeks of vacation - which I have used for long weekends and one, now infamous, road trip, but we haven't been able to go anywhere together. Next month that all changes.

My parents have graciously volunteered to come watch our fur-babies. I am so grateful for this help. I am a very overprotective Momma and can't stand the thought of boarding my kids. Now they'll get to be spoiled by their grandparents while the two of us enjoy our alone time in Michigan.

We'll be driving up for a week spent shopping, eating, and exploring in Traverse City and Frankenmuth. I'm thrilled to get some Christmas shopping done and visit some of our favorite restaurants. I'll be sure to post pictures when we get back.

On a much sadder note - our beloved Grubby cat passed away last week. It was sudden and are still wrecked from the loss. He will be missed.